Five simple resolutions for anyone trying to get pregnant
We often make resolutions at the start of a new year. Our resolutions often signal our hopes for the time to come, and our desire to reach our goals. They are promises we make to ourselves to grow, to pursue happiness, health and wholeness.
Resolutions are appropriate to make not just on January 1, but at the start of any new journey. As you set out on a new journey to welcome a child into the world, consider making these promises to yourself:
I resolve to take care of myself physically.
Pregnancy – and even trying to become pregnant – can take a significant toll on a woman’s body, and men’s health plays a significant role in fertility, too. Pay attention to what your body needs during this time. Fuel your body with a balanced, healthy, nutritious diet. Get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Stay active by walking, running or exercising regularly.
Good physical health sets the stage not only for a successful pregnancy, but for a healthier, happier life.
I resolve to take care of myself financially.
Starting a family can be an expensive proposition. If you haven’t already done so, now is a good time to take stock of your financial health. Review your assets, and make a plan to reduce or eliminate debts. Develop a monthly budget and stick to it.
Understanding where you are financially will help you identify resources you need to reach your goal of growing your family.
I resolve to take care of myself spiritually.
Growing your family can be stressful, especially if you encounter fertility challenges. Prayer and meditation can help you maintain perspective and find peace, even when all doesn’t go according to plan. Stay connected to your faith community or circle of friends. Reach out to your spiritual advisor, a counselor or a trusted friend for guidance and support.
I resolve to embrace life beyond fertility.
It is very easy to become so focused on fertility that other goals, interests and relationships get crowded out. Remember that you are more than your fertility. Continue to pursue your passions and discover new ones. Keep your relationship with your partner healthy and enjoy sex as a way to stay close and connected with one another.
I resolve to be educated and well-informed.
Seek out trustworthy sources of information that can help you understand your body, fertility and fertility treatments. But don’t simply let “Dr. Google” be your guide. The internet is rife with misinformation. Your doctor can help you identify good resources and avoid questionable ones.