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Reproductive Surgery for Infertility in Tennessee

Sometimes, the cause of infertility is anatomical. At Tennessee Fertility Institute, the vast majority of our fertility surgeries are minimally invasive and aim to restore reproductive function.

Why Fertility Surgery is Used

While most successful treatments for infertility are assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF), at Tennessee Fertility Institute, we recommend reproductive surgery when a patient’s physical anatomy prevents someone from conceiving, whether that’s a benign polyp or excess tissue and scarring.

  • The Benefits of Reproductive Surgery

    Reproductive surgery is ideal for patients whose doctor has identified that there is some structure or bodily function hindering childbirth. Reproductive surgery has several benefits in addition to potentially restoring the patient’s fertility.

    • Minimally invasive surgery
    • Less painful than traditional open surgery
    • Less recovery time; you can go home the same day
    • May be able to restore fertility completely

  • What Exactly is Fertility Surgery?

    Fertility surgeries are a type of advanced reproductive medicine and involve procedures where doctors make minimally invasive incisions to correct any anatomical abnormality that can hinder or prevent someone from performing normal reproductive functions.

    Most reproductive surgery results in no or very small incisions and can be performed through an endoscope on an outpatient basis. An endoscope involves the use of either a laparoscope (a small telescope inserted into the abdominal wall) or a hysteroscope (a small telescope inserted within the uterine cavity).

Common Types of Reproductive Surgical Procedures

At Tennessee Fertility Institute, we recognize that each surgery is unique to the patient, and we work one-on-one to determine the right treatment. Depending on your condition, one of our reproductive surgeons may recommend the following reproductive surgeries.

  • 1


    This procedure corrects the blockage or scarring of the fallopian tube(s), which can hinder the sperm and egg from reaching one another in order for fertilization to occur. This is often referred to as tubal infertility. A scarred or blocked fallopian tube may occur as a result of a previous pelvic infection, inflammation including endometriosis and previous pelvic surgery.

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    Uterine Septum Resection

    Uterine malformation is the result of abnormal development of the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix or the vagina during fetal development. These abnormalities can result in symptoms including no menstrual cycles (amenorrhea), infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and chronic pelvic pain.

    The most common type of uterine malformation is a uterine septum, which can easily be resected using a hysteroscope to restore normal pregnancy outcomes.

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    Endometriosis Treatments

    Approximately 2 to 10% of women are affected by endometriosis, a condition where tissue that normally lines the uterus develops outside the uterine cavity in abnormal locations such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity.

    Endometriosis is more common in women with infertility and can cause pelvic pain and painful intercourse. Fertility treatments such as hormone therapy coupled with surgery may help relieve pain and restore one’s fertility.

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    Myomectomy for Fibroids

    Uterine fibroids or polyps are very common, with approximately 20 to 80% of women getting fibroids by the time they’re 50. These are typically benign, non-cancerous growths of muscle in the uterus.

    Most go unknown, but depending on the size and location, they can cause infertility, recurrent miscarriages, excessive uterine bleeding, pain or severe anemia. Fibroid tumors can be removed either hysteroscopically or laparoscopically to restore normal fertility and menstrual function.

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    Ovarian Cystectomy

    Although these fluid-filled sacs within the ovary are usually benign, non-cancerous and resolve on their own, some ovarian cysts cause infertility and pain and may require surgical removal, most often using the laparoscope.

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    Heavy or irregular bleeding between periods happens for different reasons including polyps, fibroids or cancer. Polyps are surgically removed in the office via hysteroscopy.

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